Name: Back To Schooling
Type: Self
Level: Level 1
Requirements: 500 words
Summary: Cry Squad got beat up and expelled from their playgrounds by Kid Squad. Vincent happened to see this happening first hand and confronted Cry Squad with a deal. He humiliated and punish Kid Squad so they leave Cry Squad's territory in exchange for money. They agree and thus Vincent is off to beat these kids in street ball and push them out of Cry Squad's territory.
Steps: Vincent goes to find Kid Squad and punish them for their dastardly deeds. He chooses to beat and humiliate them in a game of street basketball since he is reluctant beating up kids. Though this is soon to change once he learns the devilish nature of Kid Squad....

  • Can have as many steps as needed using the list code Write out the details of how to do the mission here..

Characters Involved:

  • Cry Squad: The kids who got beat up by Kid Squad. They happened to be in Vincent's vicinity and begged him to go beat up Kid Squad promising him money.

  • Kid Squad: The dastardly gang of kids who beat Cry Squad.

*Note: NPC names are definitely going to change, they are only tentative.